About Us

At the main time of the There were over 80 million Indians living in North America of them , divided into over 1000 tribes .

Their basis of life was nature. She gave them clothing, food , drink and health. What was important to her was to live in harmony with the natural and social environment. If this harmony was disturbed , people became ill.

Every illness and every pain, the Indians assume, has its origin in the past, present or future.

The illness and the pain were never the important thing , but what was important was to restore the harmony between body, mind and soul.

Native American medicine is much more than treating illnesses, it involves everyone areas of life. This includes the entire way of life as well as the inclusion of dreams and rituals and visions , every day.

Shared experiences of spirituality satisfy spiritual and emotional needs and at the same time knowledge about natural remedies , psychoanalysis and philosophy are also included.

The treatment methods were and are not uniform. They vary from shaman to shaman. The herbal recipes were often made by women. There was also a type of homeopathic preparation.

There were also pure diagnosticians , for example the Mashki-kike-winini ( sioux - linguistic ) , which e then the patients were referred for phytotherapeutic treatment according to their instructions.

Remedies were also used against pathogenic spirits. Through a kind of exorcistic ritual the evil spirits were fought. All family members took part in all healing rituals , often the entire tribe. Community was one of the most important healing mechanisms.

Since there was no written language, the shamans passed on their recipes orally in the form of songs and prayers . This knowledge was only passed on to special people who were designated as capable by their totem animal .

Our co-founder was very lucky to be accepted as a shaman chief among the Sio u x (pronounced su : h ) . They gave him the Indian name ' Wahkan Wana gee ska ' . That means : ' Great Holy White Spirit ' .

With this name they expressed their admiration for his extraordinary healing abilities. And of course they consecrated him to all their healing knowledge without reservation one , including the recipes for certain remedies .

We draw from this knowledge and create our remedies based on original shamanic recipes .

Our goal is to provide natural support for the simplest to the most difficult illnesses.

The natural products we use are sometimes very expensive and often take a long time to reach us. Nevertheless , we have kept our price calculation very tight in order to enable many people to receive the funds.


 “Health is the prerequisite for living true freedom.”